Enchanting Chrome Diopside Finger Bracelets

Chrome Diopside Meaning and Healing Properties

Diopside is a pyroxene mineral that forms in igneous and metamorphic rocks all over the globe. Diopside is significantly more abundant in Earth's mantle than at the surface. It is often used as an indicator for where diamonds can be found. Diopside was named in 1806 by Rene Just Haüy after the Greek word “dis” meaning “twice” and òpsè meaning "face".

Chrome Diopside is the chromium bearing variety of Diopside with a stunning green color that rivals Emerald, Chrome Tourmaline and Tsavorite Garnet with a fraction of the price. Most Chrome Diopside originates from Russia and Pakistan, but is also found in other parts of the world like Australia, Canada, Madagascar, Brazil and South Africa. Sometimes in Diopside (and other stones like Ruby and Sapphire), reflections of light from a network of fine rutile crystals create a beautiful "star" also known as an asterism, on the surface of the gem (must be a properly cut gem or sphere shape). The star's position depends on the location of the light source and the position of the observer.

Chrome Diopside is an extremely powerful healer for the Heart Chakra and will help to clear energetic blockages from your energy field. Chrome Diopside helps you connect with nature and the healing energy from Mother Earth. Chrome Diopside activates the Heart Chakra and your creativity to share love with the world. Chrome Diopside heals and rejuvenates the heart after heartbreak and loss.

Hardness: 5.5-6.5

Colors: Green

Structure: Monoclinic

Care: Avoid prolonged exposure to heat (or extreme heat), direct sunlight and contact with water, abrasive surfaces or chemicals. Remove before contact sports, weight lifting or activities where it may come into contact with force. As always, minerals higher on the hardness scale should be stored away from it.

Cleaning: Warm water, detergent, and soft brush.

Feng Shui Placement: Chrome Diopside is a great stone to keep in the kitchen or dining room to promote health and wellness.

Enchanting Chrome Diopside Finger Bracelets
All Photos © Enchanting Earth LLC, All Rights Reserved

Metaphysical properties

♡ Chakra: Heart and Root

♡ Element: Air and Earth

♡ Numerology: 8

♡ Zodiac Sign: Virgo, Gemini, Pisces

♡ Aligns all Chakras, physical & emotional health

♡ Brings balance, compassion and forgiveness

♡ Enhances connection with Earth & global healing

♡ Powerful healing for surgery, trauma & disease

♡ Supports overall healing of the body

Use + Crystal pairings

Chrome Diopside is an incredible stone to use in healing emotional trauma, grief and loss. Chrome Diopside can be used to repair holes in the aura and stimulate physical healing of the body.

Black Moonstone + Chrome Diopside

This combination is great for healing broken hearts and promoting new beginnings in love. Chrome Diopside and Black Moonstone harmonize very well together for shadow work and clearing trauma stuck in the Heart and Root Charkas.

Cobalto Calcite + Chrome Diopside

I love this pairing for emotional healing! Cobalto Calcite and Chrome Diopside are powerful allies to use during inner child healing and ancestral healing.

Orange Kyanite + Chrome Diopside

This is an incredible combination to use for physical healing! Meditating with Chrome Diopside and Orange Kyanite will also help you in creative visualization to manifest your desired reality. I also highly recommend this combination to clear trauma stuck in the Sacral Chakra.

Affirmation: My purpose is sharing healing, love and peace on Earth.

New custom Chrome Diopside jewelry will be available on this week's Instagram live sales on Thursday, October 12 from 5-8 pm CST and Friday, October 13 from 11 am to 1 pm CST! New arrivals will be released to our website Saturday, October 14 @ 4 pm CST!!

Jamie Inglett

Jamie Inglett is an intuitive healer, teacher, author, founder and CEO of Enchanting Earth; a gemstone jewelry and crystal shop. She is a crystal healing expert who has studied crystals and healing since her spiritual awakening in 2012 at a Quartz mine in Arkansas. Jamie has a master’s degree in business administration. She retired from her successful banking career to pursue her mission of spreading empowerment, love, and healing through crystals. Jamie loves to teach crystal healing live on her social media channels. Further your crystal knowledge and join the enchanting community on Instagram @enchantingearthco

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